Corsair 880060 – Completion

We are excited to announce that 880060 is completed in her best appearance and ready for delivery to you soon.

Please see below for some photos of the boat in her final days before being dispatched. Let us also take you on a tour around your boat via the Youtube video below.

It has been a pleasure building your boat and on behalf of the entire team at Corsair Marine, we wish you many years of fun-filled enjoyment aboard your new Corsair 880.

880060 – Hull-Deck Join

Corsair 880060 has started the construction in August, 2024. The first components were manufactured in Lamination shed and delivered to our main Factory for assembly. At the moment, 880060 has joined its Hull and Deck, along with Floats installation. Moving up from the joining, our team will start working on interior details and the boat is ready to enter to Fit-out stage soon.