880057 – Fit-out

Corsair 880057 has now reached the Fit-out stage, where we step-by-step install the interior, run wires for electric devices, and install the plumbing for the water system. The boat will soon be ready for her final look and will be taken into the QC/QA process.

880057 – Joining

This week, we get to see 880057 in her first shape at the Trimaran factory, with the Hull and Deck joined together. We are preparing for the installation of wiring and plumping for all the options at the Fit-out stage.

880057 – Start of Construction

Good News! Corsair 880057 has started its construction at the beginning of this month. In the Lamination shed, we have started the manufacture for its Hull & Deck, along with the Beams and Floats. This week, all the components have been delivered from Lamination to Trimaran factory and they are getting ready for joining soon.